बुधवार, 14 जुलाई 2010

सीआईए ने ईरानी वैज्ञानिक को यू ट्यूब पर 'हीरो' बनाया

          ईरानी परमाणु वैज्ञानिक शमरन अमीरी लंबे समय से गायब थे। यह अफवाह थी कि उन्होंने अमरीका में शरण ली हुई है। अभी तक पता नहीं था कि ये जनाब कहां हैं। लेकिन कम से कम सीआईए को इसके लिए धन्यवाद देना होगा कि उसने अमीरी को यू ट्यूब पर पेश करके हमेशा के लिए उन्हें अमर बना दिया साथ ही बता दिया कि ये जनाब उनके कब्जे में हैं। यू ट्यूब पर उनके दो वीडियो उपलब्ध हैं। कहा यह भी जा रहा है कि अमीरी ने अमरीका से निकलकर तेहरान का रूख कर लिया है। लेकिन अभी तक उनके तेहरान में पहुँचने की पुष्टि नहीं हुई है। उम्मीद है कि गुरूवार को ये जनाब तेहरान पहुँच जाएं।
   तेहरान से प्रसारित सरकारी टीवी के अनुसार सीआईए और सऊदी अरब के जासूसों ने अमीरी का पिछले साल गर्मियों में मक्का की यात्रा के समय अपहरण किया था। उन्हें तरह-तरह की मानसिक यंत्रणाएं दी गयीं। अपहरण के बाद अमीरी को टुसकॉन ले जाया गया।  यू ट्यूब पर जिस तरह अमीरी को सीआईए ने पेश किया है उससे ईरान के द्रारा अमीरी के सीआईए द्वारा अपहृत किए जाने के आरोप की पुष्टि होती है। यू ट्यूब के वीडियो से सीआईए ने यह जबाब देने की कोशिश की है कि अमीरी को यातनाएं नहीं दी गयीं। वाशिंगटन पोस्ट की खबर इस प्रसंग में पढ़ना समीचीन होगा। यह खबर इस बात का भी प्रमाण है कि अमेरिका किस तरह की हरकतें कर रहा है जिससे ईरान पर हमला किया जा सके। सीआईए का यह सीधे अमानवीय और युद्धपंथी खेल है।  इसकी हम सबको निंदा करनी चाहिए। कृपया खबर पढ़ें-  
Iranian nuclear scientist heads homeward in anger
By Greg Miller and Thomas Erdbrink
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 14, 2010; 10:34 AM
 An Iranian nuclear scientist who had disappeared in Saudi Arabia last summer stepped out of a cab in front of Iran's diplomatic mission in Washington on Monday, asking for a ticket back to his homeland. Shahram Amiri told officials that he had been abducted by U.S. intelligence operatives and had spent much of the past year in Tucson being questioned about Iran's nuclear ambitions.Amiri's reappearance was as mysterious as his disappearance and came just weeks after a series of Internet videos added to the intrigue surrounding the case. In the videos, Amiri claimed alternately to have been kidnapped by the CIA and to have come to this country on his own accord to pursue a PhD.Early Wednesday, an Iranian news agency reported that Amiri left the United States for Iran.The case has emerged as a source of embarrassment for both governments. The Obama administration faced the departure of someone whose defection had been considered an intelligence coup. Iran described Amiri's desire to the leave the United States as a setback for American efforts, but Amiri may have compromised the secrecy of Iran's nuclear endeavors.
 According to an official familiar with the account Amiri gave at the mission, his pleas to be released were finally granted when he was brought to Washington and sent to a nondescript storefront on Wisconsin Avenue, where Iranian representatives work in a space officially operated by Pakistan's embassy.
 Within hours of arriving at the mission, Amiri told state-run Iranian television that "my kidnapping was a disgraceful act for America. . . . I was under enormous psychological pressure and supervision of armed agents in the past 14 months."

U.S. officials disputed Amiri's account, insisting that he defected voluntarily and provided valuable intelligence about Iran's nuclear program before increased worries over the safety of his family in Iran prompted him to seek a return. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told reporters Tuesday that Amiri was and always had been free to go. "These are decisions that are his alone to make," Clinton said, noting that Iran has refused to release three American backpackers detained in the country for nearly a year.
Amiri's case has provided a rare public glimpse into the espionage sparring between the United States and Iran, much as the capture and swap of Russian undercover operatives this month exposed the extent to which such cloak-and-dagger endeavors have outlasted the Cold War. The United States and other nations contend that Iran is secretly developing the means to build a nuclear weapon, but the Iranian government says its program is entirely peaceful.Amiri, 32, has said he worked at Iran's Malek-e-Ashtar Industrial University, which U.S. intelligence agencies believe is connected to the country's Revolutionary Guard Corps. Amiri is not believed to have been directly involved in the most secretive aspects of Iran's nuclear efforts, but intelligence officials said he provided significant insights during lengthy debriefings with the CIA."I don't think the U.S. government goes to great lengths to help people come over here unless there is significant intelligence value to be gained," said a U.S. official briefed on the case, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss it.Amiri disappeared under mysterious circumstances in June 2009, about the same time that U.S. officials spoke of an "intelligence coup" involving a high-profile defector.
He appears to have been resettled in Tucson, where his presence was a carefully guarded secret until the scientist appeared in videos this spring. In the first, which aired on Iranian television, Amiri stares into what appears to be an amateur Web camera, claiming to have been tortured and pleading for human rights organizations to intervene.
 But in a subsequent and more polished video that U.S. officials said was crafted with help from the CIA, Amiri is dressed in a suit coat before a backdrop that includes a chessboard and a globe turned to the Western Hemisphere. Amiri says he has never betrayed his homeland and asks "everyone to stop presenting information that distorts the reality about me."Amiri also says he knows that the Iranian government "will take care of and protect my family." U.S. officials said fears for their safety appear to have been behind his decisions to release the videos portraying himself as a kidnapping victim, as well as his effort to return.
 "The Iranians aren't beyond using family to influence people," said a second U.S. official, who added that Amiri's ability to appear in the videos, as well as reach the Iranian mission, "gives the lie to the idea he was tortured or imprisoned. He can tell any story he wants -- but that won't make it true."
 Defectors who return to their native countries risk severe reprisals. In one of the most notorious cases, Saddam Hussein's son-in-law defected to Jordan in the mid-1990s and began providing information on Iraq's banned weapons programs. He and his brother -- another Hussein son-in-law who had defected with him -- returned to Iraq after being promised that they would not be punished, but both were killed within days.
Amiri arrived at the Iranian mission at 6:30 p.m. Monday, officials said. Only a security guard was present, and the two spoke in Farsi. In meetings with Pakistani diplomats, Amiri said he had been drugged after stepping into a cab in Medina, Saudi Arabia, last summer and woke up in the United States. He said he wasn't physically abused but claimed to have endured severe "mental torture."
 It was not clear whether Iranian officials had allowed Amiri to speak to his family. Iran has insisted that he would return on a Turkish Airlines flight because of Iran's close ties with Turkey. The next Turkish flight to Tehran via Istanbul was scheduled to leave Wednesday afternoon from New York's Kennedy Airport.
However, news services reported early Wednesday that Amiri had already started his trip home.
"A few minutes ago, Shahram Amiri left American soil and is heading back to Iran via a third country . . . following efforts taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the effective cooperation of the Pakistani Embassy in Washington," Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast was quoted as saying by the Iranian Students News Agency.Amiri is expected to arrive early Thursday in Tehran after a stopover in Qatar, another Foreign Ministry official, Hassan Qashqavi, told the Associated Press.

Erdbrink reported from Tehran. Staff writers Karen DeYoung and Tara Bahrampour and staff researcher Julie Tate contributed to this report.


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